Let beauty be your guide.

I was thinking a lot about the experience of beauty the other day and jotted down these questions for reflection.

  1. What are you doing when you feel most beautiful?

  2. What are you thinking about when you feel most beautiful?

  3. Where are you when you feel most beautiful?

  4. Who are you with and what are you surrounded by when you feel most beautiful?

It's true for me that there are certain situations when I feel beautiful. The experience of beauty can be a wonderful guide towards an inner experience of safety, regulation and connection. Beauty can lead us into greater connection with ourselves, to people and places and with spirit/soul/the universe.

I feel beautiful when I first hop out of the shower, fresh and clean.

When I'm walking through the wilds with a full backpack and I feel strong, capable and beautiful.

When I'm using my mind and getting curious about ideas and thinking connectively and creatively, I feel beautiful.

When I'm laughing with friends or with my partner, I feel safe and beautiful within a sense of belonging.

And so many more moments too... What about you?

I think it's important to pay attention to these moments of beauty and savour them. The world is full of beauty if you look for it, but with a negatively-biased human brain that is wired to keep you safe, you really do have to LOOK for the beauty sometimes (and honestly, having a brain and nervous system that keeps me safe on autopilot is actually so biologically beautiful too)

Let beauty be your guide

Xx Lauren


Why am I here?