A call to the women who long to go deeper, to gather in circle, as women have done forever.
This is a deep, cellular remembering of our collective power.

We celebrate our interconnectedness, the threads that weave us into each other, nature, and the rhythms of life.
In our circle, we rebel against the dominant culture that tries to keep us isolated and alone.

We build friendships and community based on realness, not masks.
We are seen. We are heard. We are messy. We are loved.

We gather in being, rather than doing.
We gather in reciprocity, learning to receive as much as we give.
We remember our abundant self.
We rest more easily with nourished hearts.

The circle is here, calling the version of you who longs to rest more deeply in yourself and into life.

Autumn Moon Circle

A three month closed women’s circle journey in nipaluna/Hobart.

I’m calling in 8 women to gather together 6 times over 3 months. We’ll build lasting connections within a welcoming and nurturing community of local women.

Women's circles are sacred spaces where we nurture connections, share experiences, and embrace our authentic selves—all the joy and all the mess. Here, we find support, strength, inspiration, and the magic of sisterhood. We honor the collective and individual wisdom that emerges with open dialogue, reflective/creative practices, and simple ritual.

In response to a culture that praises superficiality, hyper-individualism, independence, and doing, women’s circles resist and rebel this culture by fostering depth, togetherness, belonging, realness, and rest.


We meet each fortnight, starting with the new moon in March and ending with the full moon in May.

Over our 3 months together, we’ll sync up with the lunar cycle to set intentions, support each other with action, honor what comes to fruition and what comes to pass, and lovingly meet each other and ourselves in our current season of life.

Our journey will include reflective practices, meditations, creativity, sharing, deep listening, and restorative yoga practices and exploration of wisdom and learning from a variety of teachers and poetry. There may also be spontaneous nature activities, outdoor circles, and ocean swims as weather permits.

Circle Sessions:

6 circles over 3 months. All sessions will be held in a gorgeous wooden space in Sandy Bay, right next to Long Beach (hence the spontaneous swims!) If the weather permits, we may have a circle or two in the park next door, outside under the big trees.

  • New Moon Opening Circle: Sunday, March 10th, 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM ~ welcoming and opening ritual

  • Full Moon: Thursday, March 28th, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

  • New Moon: Thursday, April 11th, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

  • Full Moon: Wednesday, April 24th, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (a day forwards due to Anzac Day)

  • New Moon: Thursday, May 9th, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

  • Full Moon Closing Circle: Thursday, May 23rd, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM ~ integration circle and closing ritual and celebration

Our fortnightly circles will be based around the following flow:

  • Opening circle

  • Meditative, creative, reflective practice

  • Supportive sharing/discussion circle

  • Sharing tea and food together

  • Deep rest practice (new moon circles)

  • Closing circle

This circle is a good fit if:

  • You’re desiring a close group of women to lean into with your whole being

  • You’re willing to show up exactly as you are (your honest self-expression) to experience deeper connection and support

  • You able to set aside 3 hours per fortnight for 3 months

  • You want to grow deeper roots in an intimate community of women

  • You desire a deeper relationship with the moon cycles, nature, and your inner world

  • You sense that authentic connections are an important pathway to a better world

  • You enjoy depths AND also enjoy lightness and play

This circle is not a good fit if:

  • You’re not willing to be in a space of deep reciprocity and listening

  • You don’t have any interest in nature’s rhythms

  • You are not willing to prioritize showing up for the circles

  • You don’t like fun

Exchange and bookings:

  • Early bird: $280 - ends February 29th

  • Full price: $330

Payment plans are available over 3 months.

Payment is via bank transfer.

❤️ To book your spot please email Lauren or reach out via the contact page ❤️

Email: lauren@mountainbirdwellness.com.au

My intention for the Autumn Moon circle:

I want to create a circle that facilitates deep connection and bonds with the women who join, so that you might continue gathering and circling even after this journey closes. This world needs more women who are uplifted by our collective strength, joy, and wisdom, and who are also willing to find these qualities from within. Our authentic connections to each other and to nature are what ripple out to create a more hopeful future. I’ve been longing to reconnect with the lunar cycle and seasonal flow ever since I stopped working as an outdoor guide (where I was regularly sleeping under the Milky Way). While I have no specific training in the moon, I want to tap into the lunar rhythm and invite you on the journey too, so that we can learn and explore this together! 

About Lauren

Lauren Burke is a circle facilitator, yoga teacher, qualified therapist and coach, and outdoorsy human. She has a degree in Process Oriented Counseling and Psychotherapy from Metavision Institute, NSW. She did her 250-hour Yoga Teacher with training from Holli Gipson at Sacred Seeds Yoga School and a 50-hour certification in Yoga for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, and Body Image from Sarah Ball. Lauren is also a daughter, sister, trail runner, bushwalker and human being embracing the goodness, the mess, the uncertainty and the awe in this thing called life. She also loves to laugh and finds it odd and funny to write about herself in third person.