3 simple ways to start reconnecting to yourself

  1. Use your five senses.

    Pause and take a minute or two to pay attention to what you can touch, see, smell and hear. Notice if there are any particular colours, objects, sensations, smells or sounds that you are naturally drawn towards (notice these intuitive preferences). Dropping into your sensing, animal body brings you into present moment awareness – your senses provide sensory grounded information about your experience, as it's happening.

  2. Get curious about your day to day experience.

    Ask yourself throughout the day, “where am I at?” Become present with your emotions, thoughts (are they fast or slow thoughts, kind of critical, quiet or loud?) and needs of your body. Practice regularly checking in with what sort of nourishment you need... And then DO IT.

  3. Drop the “shoulds”.

    SHOULD is the enemy of true self connection. SHOULD is someone or something else’s idea of you. Practice saying to yourself, “I'm noticing that I'm thinking I ‘should be doing XYZ’, so this is an opportunity for me to ask myself what I want or need right now,” and then listen to your body’s answer. Even if it doesn't have a response for you today, simply through listening you are strengthening your self relationship.




Talking to yourself.