Imperfect human.

Hello. This is just a little post from my bedroom floor about how I'm a life coach and a human and how perfection is a myth. Read on...

I get out of bed some days feeling like a full-on lump. Disconnected, grumpy around my boyfriend/family or whoever happens to be around me that morning. I want to connect and be "present, loving, amazing" but I'm just... not.

I am totally addicted to my phone. These machines were made to capture us and I consider myself totally and utterly captured.

I forget my friends birthdays... quite frequently!

I internally beat myself up, often, about not doing more about climate change and the environment. I still used to beat myself up about this when I was doing a lot more activism too. I think because I got so burnt out in the past I often just feel emotionally numb (though I get it intellectually).

I don't call my parents half as much as what I think I "should" (still love em though)

I hate conflict. I certainly tend to my nervous system waaaaaaay better these days in conflicty and difficult situations but still work myself into a tither, internally, when interpersonal conflicts arise. Don't ask me to break up a fight

I've broken hearts, been heartbroken and 100% played my part in stressful, messy relationships.

The list goes on.

Why am I writing this?

I want to remind you humans gonna human. Perfect human status is a myth somewhat perpetuated by the self-help and healing industries.

You can't self-help your way out of being a human and having feelings, doing stuff you wish you wouldn't, and thinking unhelpful thoughts and moving through the world as paradoxical and hypocritical beautiful mess

BUT, you can learn to offer yourself grace. You can learn to accept and forgive yourself for the ways in which you fuck up, and wake up each day aiming to do a little better.

You can hold in one hand "I am enough" and in the other hand "I can do better". Both/And. Both can be true. Both ARE true.

And no matter how much more growth, healing and expansion you want for yourself, you are still fucking awesome just as you are.

I see you, fellow human and I love you so much.

Xx Lauren


Talking to yourself.


3 things that you *don’t* have to do in order to heal