3 things that you *don’t* have to do in order to heal

1. You don’t have to be grateful or always find that silver lining or lesson...

Nope, you do not.

Some things are just shit and it’s ok just to feel all the feelings about it. Maybe one day you’ll spontaneously find the “lesson”, but you don't have to force yourself to find it if it's just not there.

2. You don't have to forgive people.

For some people, forgiveness might be an important part of the healing/moving on journey, sure...

And for others, allowing yourself to get really sad ‘n’ mad and accessing your power through knowing the truth of your feelings is actually a more potent path way through a tough time.

3. You don’t have to come into your body.

The body is not a safe or comfortable place for everyone. If at some point in your life it was safer for you to leave your body through disassociation etc, that makes sense. Paradoxically, leaving your body IS your body’s wisdom trying to protect you from pain and hurt.

If you're not yet ready to drop in, and come back into your body, you don't have to. You can take your sweet and gentle time to reacquaint with your body, dearest human.

xx Lauren


Imperfect human.


Get into the experience.