Special moments.

One day, she looked in the mirror and said “you are beautiful”, and she believed it.

One day, she was imagining an argument in her head and began to feel stressed. She caught herself and said, “this story is entirely in my head” and she pressed her feet into the ground to come back to the present. She reminded herself what was real and true.

One day, she felt triggered by an interaction with her partner and she paused, recognising it was an old wound and she said to herself, “it’s ok, you are safe now”. She was able to communicate what was happening and be held in connection and co-regulation with her partner.

One day, she was feeling heavy under a blanket of emotions, like she might just melt into the floor. She was able to remember times in the past when she had felt this way, felt it all overwhelmingly and yet she was still here. She’d made it through. She carved out time in her day to feel, move, cry and be with her emotions, like a friend and a loving witness to her own sensitivity. She knew she was ok.


I LOVE hearing about moments like these from my clients, as well as noticing them in my own life 😍

When I started noticing my own nervous system responses, my activation, my shut down and my triggers.. this changed everything in my relationship. Once i had the awareness of what was happening I was able to communicate it AND ask for what I need when it happens, preemptively (game changer 👏)

Growth, change and healing is seen in the small moments when you choose YOURSELF and by golly, these moments add up and ripple outwards through your life.

Soon enough your old patterns become just so obviously outdated you can't help but let them go 💥

This is CHANGE.

xx Lauren


Setting boundaries.