Get into the experience.

Something I’m noticing a lot in my sessions is that people often have a lot of difficulty getting past the labels for their experiences and into the experience itself.

And why is this important? Because when you get to know the experience as it is trying to be known... this is where the gold is.

Your unique experience, of, say, “anxiety”, “depression”, “feeling off”, “being lazy” etc, is where you uncover and unfold new information about yourself and about aspects of yourself, that are either still developing or have been pushed away due to shame or conditioning (through no fault of your own... this usually happens at the margins of our awareness).

The hard bit is that our raw experiences, beyond the label and beyond our head’s interpretations, can sometimes be really icky and uncomfortable (they can also be really wonderful too).

It's totally worth it though.

When we turn towards what's happening, by yourself or with guidance from a coach or therapist, and really start to follow and notice and pay attention... We learn so much more about ourselves and about our truth, which is the truth of who you are.

Xx Lauren

PS. Curious? Contact me about coaching, I'd love to work with you and be your guide in this - I offer single sessions, and packages of x5... each session is 90 mins and allows us time to really unfold this gold within you x


3 things that you *don’t* have to do in order to heal


Walking home from town and thinking about depression